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Water, water everywhere...but for how much longer!

Paul Anderson, MD of Meiko UK, wants to get the hospitality industry to take a serious look at how it uses water and pre-empt a global water disaster.

View their video here on 'Why care about water?'

FOOTPRINT INTELLIGENCE, in association with MEIKO UK, has produced a ground-breaking report on how food service uses water to cook, wash food and dishes and how poor water management effects the business as well as the planet.

A water crisis is coming to UK and it will affect the whole of the hospitality business… Yes, this is the time to start getting ALARMED.

Find out how you can help by reading the Footprint Water Report - download here

We – Meiko – are doing our best to help the planet by making dish washing machines that minimise water consumption and put less chemicals down the drain.

Unless we all start using water more wisely, there will be shortages within 10 years!

The time has come to start doing something. There is a high volume of water waste in the UK with billions of litres lost every day to leaks. For years we have made energy efficiency and carbon reduction our priority; now its time for water.

Your efforts to stop wasting water, cutting leaks, training staff etc., will count towards carbon footprint reduction strategies.

Sustainability and the drive to water conservation is inclusive and a great staff motivator; find out more by reading the Water Report.

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